Davidson High School Library Media Center
The library's mission is to enable individuals and staff with the ability to find, read, evaluate, utilize, share and create content using various digital devices.
Hours: 7:15-2:45
Extended time: Upon request
Sara Smith, Media Specialist
Phone: (251) 221-3084 ext.23042
Email: sarasmith@mcpss.com
Michelle Cowan, Media Specialist
Phone: (251) 221-3084 ext.23004
Email: mcowan@mcpss.com

Schedule, Rules, and Procedures
- The library is for every student and staff member in the school. It can be used for the digital café, printing purposes, computer/technology assistance, pleasure reading, and to check out library books.
- Students must have their ID to check out library books and/or textbooks.
- Teachers may schedule classes or may send up to three students at a time with a library pass. Passes are not accepted from a substitute.
- Students must present a designated library pass in order to remain in the library during class time.
- A student may check out up to three books for a two-week period. Books may be renewed, as long as they do not have a hold.
- Students are responsible for all damaged/lost library books/textbooks.
Educational Resources
Sora is a digital reading platform and app that allows all students an equal opportunity to succeed with literacy by offering age-appropriate eBooks and audiobooks for all reading levels, accessible leisure or curriculum reading options, multilingual interface & thousands of digital books in 30+ languages, personalized learning features for every type of learner, and much more!
Mobile Public Library
Mobile Public Library provides the resources and services needed to open doors to lifelong learning, to fulfill citizens' information needs, and to offer and support cultural and recreational activities.
Clever offers students, teachers, and staff one secure login for all digital resources, including Schoology, Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), Outlook (School Email), SAVVAS, etc.
The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources is available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state.
Purdue Owl Writing Lab
Purdue Owl Writing Lab provides many information resources including style guides for MLA and APA as a free service to all students and members of the community. This resource is an excellent tool to assist students with all levels of research and to help prevent plagiarism by showing students how to properly cite all research sources.